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[REBOL] 3d and Games

From: aroberts:swri at: 23-Oct-2001 17:51

I looked at the script you posted. I didn't get definable shapes though. I did make out the crosses I believe, but otherwise I was confused. I pressed the + to increase the resolution, but it didn't seem to change anything. You obviously know more than I do about Rebol and 3d. My theory was to maybe make a simple 3d demo or game. Thoughts - - Take a square with a texture and rotate it in a circle, then split it into four pieces and seperate them. Nothing really fancy. - Make a game where two people are in a maze and must either get out or find each other (networked would be nice) - Do the above with only one person - Other thoughts as above Are you interested in doing something more? The matrix.r example mentioned previously is about the most graphically intensive. I have seen another 3d demo though, I believe it used spheres though. It was a tad slow, but it was very impressive given what was going on. Regards, Aaron