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[REBOL] Re: Editing CSV files...

From: dness:home at: 6-Sep-2001 15:08

Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hi David, > > << ... I have found a few scripts for manipulating CSV files, but so far > haven't > spotted anything that lets me `view' and `edit' them. Am I just not looking > in > the right place? >> > > What about Carl's text-edit script? Would that get you started? >
Not unless I'm missing `the point' in some big way. Editing CSV files is surely nothing like editing text files, even if CSVs are just `made out of text'. The essential idea of CSVs is, of course, that the commas separate the values of `variables', and to work on them you want to present them in such a way in an extended representation that would be not unlike a `spreadsheet' although---in most cases---one deals primarily with text, not numeric values. Of course, given REBOL, there may be some mystical switch or refinement of text-edit that I don't know about or understand...