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[REBOL] Re: Rebol mode for Emacs

From: d4marcus:dtek:chalmers:se at: 17-Dec-2000 14:27

On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, nop wrote:
> By the way, Your README file has a sentence that just drops off > about the original creator of the mode, Joe Marshal, told you > something or another?
Oops, forgot to finish that sentence. :-) Here's an update: Btw, previous author Joe Marshall told me that he actually preferred the closing brackets to be aligned with the contents of the block. This is not in line with RT's style guides, but I may have to agree with him.
> Also, by the way, if you're interested, a while ago I asked one of > my professors who's a big emac'er for help on the rebol mode and he > told me he wasn't so good with elisp, but he gave me this referal: > "Olin Shivers <[shivers--lcs--mit--edu]>, who is world famous for his
I'm not sure he'd appriciate replying to an awful lot of stupid questions from me. Actually, what I'd really prefer is if someone could update the Elisp manual and make it comprehensive for a newbie like myself. Especially on how to build a major mode from scratch, or modify an existing one. Which variables that are important, how to make indentation functions etc. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-) Marcus ------------------------------------ If you find that life spits on you calm down and pretend it's raining