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[REBOL] Re: VID focus questions

From: dlhawley:attbi at: 11-Feb-2002 15:01

Brett Handley wrote:
>I'm glad you find it useful. > >I'd like your mods. If they're not too big, you could post em here but >otherwise email me directly - thanks! >
Brett and all, Attached is my nd-styles.r which is a glom of theseand a few other things that have been discussed recently. The check and rotary mods work best. choice and button are somewhat useful, but need more work. I also included upper/lower fields which were presented in other discussions. I started on a numeric-field, but haven't done more that lay out some ideas. I'd like to have a field which takes a format (in user-data?) and does something reasonable ie: phone :fmt-field user-data "(###)###-####" I probably need to dig into ctx-text to make this work.... Dave -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: nd-styles.r REBOL [] do %back-field-fix.r modified-check-feel: [ ; Basic highlighting of the checkbox with focus redraw: function [face action pos] [bvlc cond-c cond-f] [ cond-c: equal? face/edge/color bvlc: svv/vid-colors/bevel cond-f: equal? face system/view/focal-face if equal? cond-c cond-f [ face/edge/color: either cond-f [black] [bvlc]] svvf/check/redraw face action pos ] ; Space bar toggles check - tab moves to next tabbed item engage: func [face action event] [ either equal? event/type 'key [ switch event/key [ #" " [ svvf/check/engage face 'down event ] #"^-" [ focus either event/shift [ ctx-text/back-field face ] [ ctx-text/next-field face ] ] ] ] [ if equal? event/type 'down [focus face] svvf/check/engage face action event ] ] ] modified-choice-feel: [ ; Basic highlighting of the choice with focus redraw: function [face action pos] [bvlc cond-c cond-f] [ cond-c: equal? face/edge/color bvlc: svv/vid-colors/bevel cond-f: equal? face system/view/focal-face if equal? cond-c cond-f [ face/edge/color: either cond-f [black] [bvlc]] svvf/choice/redraw face action pos ] ; Space bar toggles choice - tab moves to next tabbed item engage: func [face action event] [ either equal? event/type 'key [ switch event/key [ #" " [ svvf/choice/engage face 'down event svvf/choice/engage face 'up event ] #"^-" [ focus either event/shift [ ctx-text/back-field face ] [ ctx-text/next-field face ] ] ] ] [ if equal? event/type 'down [focus face] svvf/choice/engage face action event ] ] ] modified-rotary-feel: [ ; Basic highlighting of the rotary with focus redraw: function [face action pos] [bvlc cond-c cond-f] [ cond-c: equal? face/edge/color bvlc: svv/vid-colors/bevel cond-f: equal? face system/view/focal-face if equal? cond-c cond-f [ face/edge/color: either cond-f [black] [bvlc]] svvf/rotary/redraw face action pos ] ; Space bar toggles - tab moves to next tabbed item engage: func [face action event] [ either equal? event/type 'key [ switch event/key [ #" " [ svvf/rotary/engage face 'down event svvf/rotary/engage face 'up event ] #"^-" [ focus either event/shift [ ctx-text/back-field face ] [ ctx-text/next-field face ] ] ] ] [ if equal? event/type 'down [focus face] svvf/rotary/engage face action event ] ] ] modified-button-feel: [ ; Basic highlighting of the button with focus redraw: function [face action pos] [bvlc cond-c cond-f] [ cond-c: equal? face/edge/color bvlc: svv/vid-colors/bevel cond-f: equal? face system/view/focal-face if equal? cond-c cond-f [ face/edge/color: either cond-f [black] [bvlc]] svvf/button/redraw face action pos ] ; Space bar toggles - tab moves to next tabbed item engage: func [face action event] [ either equal? event/type 'key [ switch event/key [ #" " [ svvf/button/engage face 'down event svvf/button/engage face 'up event ] #"^-" [ focus either event/shift [ ctx-text/back-field face ] [ ctx-text/next-field face ] ] ] ] [ if equal? event/type 'down [focus face] svvf/button/engage face action event ] ] ] f-dbg: none field-fixup: func [fce][ f-dbg: fce fce/text: fce/user-data/fun fce/text ] numeric-fixup: make object! [ fun: func [str][ print [ str self/pat] str ] pat: none ] stylize/master [ space-check: check with [ feel: make feel modified-check-feel flags: [check tabbed] ] space-choice: choice with [ feel: make feel modified-choice-feel flags: [choice tabbed] ] space-rotary: rotary with [ feel: make feel modified-rotary-feel flags: [rotary tabbed] ] space-button: button with [ feel: make feel modified-button-feel flags: [button tabbed] ] uppercase-field: field with [ feel: make feel [ redraw: func first :redraw append second :redraw [if act = 'show [face/text: uppercase face/text]];' ] ] lowercase-field: field with [ feel: make feel [ redraw: func first :redraw append second :redraw [if act = 'show [face/text: lowercase face/text]];' ] ] numeric-field: field with [ feel: make feel [ redraw: func first :redraw append second :redraw [if act = 'show [field-fixup face]];' ] ] ] nd-styles: stylize [ nd-info: info with [flags: [field]] ] style-test: func [][ view layout [ styles nd-styles my-check1: space-check my-check2: space-check uppercase-field lowercase-field space-choice data ["AAA" "BBB" "CCC"] choice data ["AAA" "BBB" "CCC"] space-rotary data ["AAA" "BBB" "CCC"] numeric-field user-data make numeric-fixup [pat: "####"] field space-button "OK" [print "OK"] ; mr1: space-radio of 'aa ; mr2: space-radio of 'aa i: nd-info "text" do [focus my-check2] ] ] style-test