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[REBOL] Windows Command Line Output

From: mh983:ya:hoo at: 26-Nov-2001 11:42

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find any similar post on eScribe, so here goes. I'm using /View on Windows 2000. I have a script that reads filenames from a directory, combines their names, then prints out the new string, just using "print". It's very simple. But if I run this from a command prompt in Windows 2000, I think it is printing to a REBOL window, then closing that window right away. On Unix, the command line works differently and I see what is printed right there, as there is no extra window involved. So as it stands right now, I have a script that works on Linux but not on Windows. To be more accurate, it works in both, you just can't see the result in Windows. But nonetheless, I can't just take my script to a different OS and run it. I don't want to put extra code in the script to handle this, but I don't see any command line option that would help. Any other ideas? mike