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[REBOL] Re: Commander.c adds Shell access for Rebol

From: fsievert:uos at: 21-Mar-2001 13:21

Hi Scott!
> Thanks for the contribution. My C skills have grown very rusty (in fact, > they've never been polished; the last C utility I wrote was 4 years ago). I > have gcc 2.95.2, the "ming win" distribution for windows. The program won't > compile; seems that I don't have the include file termios.h. Am I missing > something obvious? If I have demonstrated just how clueless I am, don't > spend any real time answering, but if I am missing something obvious and > simple, I would appreciate a quick answer.
Unfortunately I am not sure, if it will work with windows, since the console of rebol is allways a window (I think). Since I don't have a Windows computer, I can not try it. (Maybe the option "rebol -w" could help???) If it is possible to run rebol without opening a window and outputting to a standard output stream, you can try to remove the #incluce <termios.h> and all stuff that needs it. Since I am no windows programmer, I don't know if fork() works with windows. (This is the reason, why the program will not work with AmigaOS, too) Maybe someone else can help? CU, Frank