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[REBOL] Re: ANN: xml-object.r , and...a question about REBOL's built-in parse-xm

From: chris:langreiter at: 5-Oct-2001 9:09

> >Has anyone else used parse-xml and considered this a real problem? I do >hope that some future rev of REBOL will drop the check-version print. >
I hope so too. Otherwise you'll continue to find the line xml-language/check-version: func [v][return] in every single REBOL script dealing with XML in a parse-xmly way. May I raise the question what the point of this print-out is or was?! Or is it just a a not-so-subtle display of RT's disregard of XML as data exchange format (which I don't share, though I prefer native REBOL exchange as well)? BTW, Gavin, your xml-object script is a godsend. RT should include it in future REBOL releases. -- Chris __ Vanilla NOW: