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[REBOL] Re: Embedded Linux

From: dness:home at: 7-Dec-2001 13:34

Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> Could you share with us the reason you are disappointed with Zaurus, > please? btw: as we are talking Zaurus, AmigaDE, etc. issues - Amiga got > new board director: > Frank Wilde.
... I'd be happy to, either privately or on-list, but before doing so I should qualify a couple of things: (1) I am not much interested in Linux, although I am also not `anti-Linux' to any appreciable degree. It's just that linux capability, in and of itself, means nothing to me, unless it means I _can do_ something in my problem domains. (2) I have had an iPAQ for many months, and have REBOL as well as countless other complex domains that work well on it. The SL-5000 is, as of this point in time is real `Bush League' (no political pun implied) in comparison. (3) I tend not to have `toy' problems---I carry 3000->4000 appointments and 2,000 names in my phone lists. Some things that work well for tiny problems really suck when the problems get scaled to this size or larger. (4) Games mean nothing to me. I choose other forms of entertainment. (5) The microphone/speaker on the iPAQ are lousy, but they are at least _present_ as opposed to _absent_. I find that `voice notes' are quite useful in real situations, and this just about wipes out, for me, the SL-5000's advantage in having a tiny keyboard on-board. I should also say, that I have had the SL-5000 for less than a week at the moment, and am probably at least partially frustrated by things that are `almost the same' as the iPAQ, but still different enough to make them hard (for me) to use. I'd feel better waiting till I had a little more experience, so I could be---perhaps---more fair. But I recognize your (and others) being interested in `early' opinion as well, even if it is less well informed. Let me know if you want followup. I'll probably be in a position to say a little more after the weekend.