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[REBOL] Re: REBOL IOS, many Q's. :)

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 1-May-2002 0:46

Hi Ashley, << does IOS facilitate / enable source versioning and control? ie. can I check-out / lock scripts that are being worked on? How is divergence handled (version A is modified by me to become B, while someone else modifies A to become C, now B and C need to be merged to become B proper)? >> IOS itself doesn't do version control beyond storing compressed versions of published files. As long as your local version is newer than the latest published version, it warns you by turning the icon red, to let you know you're out of sync (unpublished). Now, if someone else should publish a later version, your local work may get clobbered when it syncs up and sees a newer version on the server. I don't know if it looks "back" to see if your local version matches *any* of the published version's timestamps, but I don't think it does. I know of at least one person working on some REBOL based diff/merge technology, but I don't know how it might integrate with IOS. --Gregg