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[REBOL] Antwort: saving blocks--typo correction-excuse me Re:(2)

From: joel:neely:fedex at: 26-Sep-2000 8:39

Hi, Sharriff! [Sharriff--Aina--med-iq--de] wrote:
> can I just do a READ instead of an OPENT to append another BLOCK to > block.txt? I´m grinning from ear to ear now... >
Consider the following:
>> ? write
USAGE: WRITE destination value /binary /string /direct /append /wait /lines /part size /with end-of-line /allow access /mode args /custom params DESCRIPTION: Writes to a file, url, or port-spec (block or object). WRITE is a native value. ARGUMENTS: destination -- (Type: file url object block) value -- (Type: any) REFINEMENTS: ...[snip]... /append -- Writes to the end of an existing file. ...[sip]... and the transcript:
>> foo: [1 2 "buckle" "my" "shoe"]
== [1 2 "buckle" "my" "shoe"]
>> mold foo
== {[1 2 "buckle" "my" "shoe"]}
>> write/append mold foo >> foo: [3 4 "shut" "the" "door"] >> write/append mold foo >> print read
[1 2 "buckle" "my" "shoe"][3 4 "shut" "the" "door"]
And, of course, had I not been too lazy to put newlines after each, you'd be able to say all-foo: read/lines and get a block of strings, each of which can be turned into a block. There's more that could be said, but I hope this helps... -jn-