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[REBOL] Re: ROUND function (like TRUNC, FLOOR, etc...)

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 19-Feb-2002 22:52

Hi Charles, CONTEXT is a shortcut for MAKE OBJECT!
>> o: context [a: 1 b: 2] >> o/a
== 1
>> type? o
== object! DOES is a shortcut for a function that takes no parameters and has no locals.
>> my-add: does [1 + 2] >> my-add
== 3
>> type? :my-add
== function! HAS is a shortcur for a function that takes no parametersm, but does have locals.
>> my-has-fn: has [local-var][local-var: now/time] >> my-has-fn
== 22:52:24
>> local-var
** Script Error: local-var has no value ** Near: local-var --Gregg