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[REBOL] Re: CORE experimental 2.4.39

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 24-Nov-2000 2:55

After repairing the GC bug, Rebol is a *much* more elegant language! Congratulations to RT. The /skip refinement is a big breakthrough too. Jeff wrote:
> Howdy, Gabriele: > > > [jeff--rebol--net] wrote: > >> Functions in the newest experimental do not exhibit indefinite > >> extent. > > > > You mean, using recursion? > > In general, like: > > f: func [/x][x: random 10 'x] > b: [] loop 10 [append b w: f probe get w] reduce b > > You wind up with all the same number in the block, though 'x in f's > context had been 10 different random numbers. >
To celebrate the GC bug removal I wrote: Rebol [ Title: "EFunc" Date: 24/11/2000 File: %efunc.r Author: "Ladislav Mecir" Email: [lmecir--mbox--vol--cz] Purpose: { A function creating "indefinite extent" functions. } Category: [Advanced] ] e-func: function [ {Indefinite extent func} [catch] spec [block!] body [block!] ] [ set-args args set-fresh-args locals ] [ set-args: func [args-supplied] [args: args-supplied] set-fresh-args: func [fresh-args] [ while [not tail? fresh-args] [ set/any first fresh-args get/any first args fresh-args: next fresh-args args: next args ] ] locals: copy [] foreach item spec [ if all [any-word? :item not set-word? :item] [ append locals to word! :item ] ] throw-on-error [ func spec reduce [ :set-args locals :use locals reduce [ :set-fresh-args locals :do body ] ] ] ] Now, the Jeff's example behaves as follows:
>> f: e-func [/x][x: random 10 'x] >> b: [] loop 10 [append b w: f probe get w] reduce b
5 4 9 10 5 7 6 9 6 6 == [5 4 9 10 5 7 6 9 6 6] Nice, eh?