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[REBOL] Re: Ready for REBOL/Core 2.6?

From: holger:rebol at: 8-Mar-2002 6:09

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 10:34:35AM +0100, Cyphre wrote:
> Holger(RT), > > I forgot one very useful feature which would probably lot of rebolers love > to have in new Rebol/Core. I mean the possibility to add new words to > specified context...something like: > > extend object [new-word: value] > > I remember Carl said on about this feature some time ago at old /Express > conference: > > ""I've wanted that for several years. Just not had the time to code it... > but would only take an hour to add." > > So will be possible to postpone the release of new /Core by an hour? ;-)
Carl may have been exaggerating there. The reason why objects cannot be extended is the same reason why there is currently a limit on the number of words in the system (which, btw, will be increased from 4000 to 8000 in Core 2.6). We do intend to lift these restrictions, but doing so is not trivial, and it most likely won't be in 2.6. -- Holger Kruse [kruse--nordicglobal--com]