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[ALLY] Re: Before the pleading starts

From: dan:rebol at: 10-Jan-2001 16:59

Hey Brett (and others), Oh I hate that work clique...reminds me of little school kids :-) We don't mean to have a clique going. Like I said, we needed some testers and not too many, so we were fortunate to be able to tap our community resources and they have proven invaluable as usual. We hope to be ready to open up Express on a wider scale in the near future, but like you mentioned, there are limited resources and lots of pressing issues. Allen is not an employee of RT, but his summary was quite accurate. Right now we can only bring on beta testers with serious business cases for Express. I sent Mike a few words about Express to clarify it further and will copy them here for you. ______________ Within Express right now, we're running a number of applications including contacts, knowledge base, bug report, calendar, conferencing, chat, ToDo, and a bunch of specific apps for pilot companies. As you'd expect, Link does all the processing and the Serve side of Express primarily does syncing and updating. The great thing about Express is it is built on REBOL, so customization, new apps, bug fixes, etc. can almost be done in real time. __________________ We'll have a lot more explanations on the site in short order, so sorry for seeming so stealthy...we're just a little buried like most of you. If you do have a serious business case for Express and would like to consider it as a distributed communications solution for your company or affiliate, please let me know. Best Regards, Dan At 11:39 AM 1/11/01 +1100, you wrote: