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[REBOL] [] Searches

From: SunandaDH::aol::com at: 14-Dec-2003 15:34

Two things, an announcement and a plea for some help. Announcement ------------ There's a new toy to play with at Click the Facts and Figures link and you can see (among other things) recent things that people have searched for. That's a useful way to see what sort of things people are looking to REBOL to do. Help! ----- The existing Find Scripts function is a little too permissive. Example: it finds all scripts if you look for "port" -- it finds a match in all scripts as they all have a "support" word in the header. I'm a complete wuzz when it comes to using parse for anything other than breaking a string into tokens, so I can't see the probably obvious fix. If you've downloaded the whole library, the crucial bit of code is in the run-user-search function of library/librarian/support/librarian-lib.r To run a search on the downloaded system, type something into the "Find:" box. If anyone can offer some suggestions, or even a rewritten function, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Sunanda.