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[REBOL] Re: Highfun

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 20-Nov-2001 10:53

Hi Ladislav, << I corrected the behaviour, could you check it once again? >> Looks good for well formed code! I managed to get some invalid results by feeding it values that were mis-matched with the refinements passed.
>> apply/r/n :test-fn [ref-c ref-d] [d: 2 b: 3 a: 4]
** Script Error: f is missing its d argument ** Near: local-return f/ref-c/ref-d action [4] action
>> apply/r/n :test-fn [ref-c] [d: 2 b: 3 a: 4]
A: 4 B: 3 C: 2
>> apply/r/n :test-fn [ref-d] [c: 1 d: 2 b: 3 a: 4]
A: 4 B: 3 D: 1 Thanks! --Gregg