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[REBOL] Shell implemented in REBOL?

From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 21-Aug-2000 14:03

Hi, just noticed the thread about possibility of creating amigados shell under qnx rtp, I thought about possibility to create custom-shells in REBOL. Would it be even possible? We have cursor navigation, we have filename competion, command completion, etc. but still some questions remain: - first - have anyone started creating something along the lines of cutsom shell? - what if filename/command completion can't simulate that of shell we want to simulate? Do we have to use custom event-processing? (probably so, as other than rebol shell's don't implement space delimited behavior ...) - as for shell - it has to do something, but with /View, /Core we can't run external commands, so is this the end to the idea (noone is willing to pay for such util imho ...) -pekr-