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[REBOL] Re: Opening a new blog about Rebol?

From: dhsunanda:gm:ail at: 10-Nov-2007 19:19

> For the first time, that one was my starting point. > I wanted to create a blog just to publish news & co, then using a real wiki > system (with users/volunteers contribution) in order to collect real-world > solutions, solutions to help people to realize programmers to realize > real-world applications. Furthermore, I wish to collect some tutorials, tips > & tricks, etc... in one single place.
I think it is a great idea to publish additional tutorials on REBOL. Please do so!! As Max suggests in a previous reply, could be a place to do this. It is not a blog, but it does provide an Articles Library: Articles have these following qualities: * can be written in most REBOLish mark-up languages (make-doc, nicomdoc, etext, mulch) * can have any number of tags to categorize them in the index menu * can be tagged so *any* Library member can update them ....see [wiki:public] tag: Why not give it a go!? Sunanda