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[REBOL] Re: [linux] call an interactive shell command SOLVED

From: alberto::origen::com::mx at: 26-Dec-2008 11:38

Thank you Gabriele and Brian Starting rebol with the -w flag does the trick Brian is correct: according to the manual (http://www=2Erebol=2Ecom/docs/shell=2Ehtml#section-2=2E2) the refinement /console must do the work, but at least in my ubuntu 8=2E04 isn=B4t working So I'm still using the /wait refinement cheers
> Try changing /wait to /console=2E
Also try starting REBOL with the -w flag=2E HTH, Gabriele=2E -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web LIVE =96 Free email based on Microsoft=AE Exchange technology - http://link=2Email2web=2Ecom/LIVE