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[REBOL] Re: External library interface

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 3-Jul-2003 9:08

Hi Romano,
> 1) I don't have Pro or command.
neither do I,...
> 2) I do not know how much is safe (look at the GC section of command doc)
Garbage Collection is not a problem for the application I mentioned.
> 3) Hope it helps :-)
Yes, it works!
> First we create a 36 byte data block: > > x: [] loop 10 [insert tail x [. [long]]]
Actually, it looks like 40 bytes? Another approach using chars: x: head insert/dup [] [. [char!]] 40
> data: make struct! x none
this (together with the trick below), is a nice way, how to obtain a specific length binary! What surprises me is, that we don't need distinct names for the structure elements :-o.
> Now we create a struct which contains a pointer to a 36 bytes area: > > z: make struct! compose/deep [data [struct! [(x)]]] none > > >> third z > == #{6863E500}