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[REBOL] Accessing sub-panes to change them.

From: reboler:programmer at: 23-Jan-2002 22:25

If I have a face with panes and sub-panes (see below), and buttons to switch between the sub-panes. 1) How do I access the sub-panes to changes their text, data, color, etc? Button 3 below does not work? What would? 2) Is there an easy way, like 'center-face to have the sub-panes (red and blue) appear in the center of the green box? ;*****begin script***** redpane: layout [origin 0x0 space 0x0 box red 50x50] bluepane: layout [origin 0x0 space 0x0 area "original" blue 75x75] redpane/offset: 0x0 bluepane/offset: 0x0 main: layout [ button "1 red" [bx/pane: redpane show bx] button "2 blue" [bx/pane: bluepane show bx] bx: box 200x200 green button "3 change area" [ append clear bluepane/text "changed" show bluepane bx/pane: bluepane show bx ] ] view main ;*****end script*****