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[REBOL] Re: [ Core ] Meaning of FLAGS?

From: holger:rebol at: 4-Apr-2002 6:52

On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 11:09:57AM +0200, Gabriele Santilli wrote:
> The most important ones are in: > > >> print mold system/standard/port-flags > > make object! [ > direct: 524288 > pass-thru: 4194304 > open-append: 4 > open-new: 8 > ]
Yes, and those are the only flags that can be publically accessed, and only from a port handler, not from an application. If you do access flags from a port handler then always use the symbolic names, not the numbers, because they tend to change between REBOL versions.
> A long time ago, while writing a port handler, I was using: > > modes: make object! [ > read: 1 > write: 2 > new: 8 > string: 16 > binary: 32 > lines: 64 > wait: 2048 > direct: 524288 > ]
Those values are not correct any more. Don't use them. -- Holger Kruse [kruse--nordicglobal--com]