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[REBOL] I've had it with email.

From: carl:s:rebol at: 28-Jul-2002 16:54

Hello fellow REBOLers, [flame: on] Email has become useless to me. After 24 years of email, I think I'm qualified say that the situation with spam has recently grown totally out of hand. Each month I add ever more email filters to keep my email useful. Currently, there are over 300 filters preprocessing my email. But, as you know from the REBOL web site, we think there are much better ways to communicate. Email reminds me of general delivery postal mail. Anyone can send email to anyone. Plus, it's not reliable, it's not secure, it's easy to spoof, viruses poison attachments, it's limited in power (e.g. compare with X-Internet here), and there's no way to stop the flood of spam. It has become a tedious chore to deal with email (those of you who run web sites or openly post your email address know what I mean). At this rate, I think email will be "dead" in a few years. In fact, let me go on record saying that. A venture capitalist recently commented that this was a bold statement... but just watch. You watch. I'm not saying email will go away permanently. I'm saying that we'll have much better ways to communicate. Those of you who've tried IOS have a good idea what I'm talking about. IOS has been a great learning experience. Now, after more than 18 months of using IOS, the future has become more clear. But, this is not intended to be an ad for IOS... [flame: off] So... my new email address can be found on the contacts page of the web site. And, as always, if you've got something important to say about REBOL or IOS, I'm always interested in hearing it. Contact me. -Carl The REBOL guy.