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[REBOL] Re: What's Up Rebol?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 6-Mar-2002 20:25

Chris wrote:
> It'd be nice if it was REBOL, but too often it is more work to make a > good REBOL solution than an adequate Perl one. To say nothing of what > happens when you want a commercial script with Oracle database access, > my boss couldn't stop laughing when I showed her the price for /command
Heh, then you choosed a bad aproach for clarification? :-) I am able to produce database connection in 1 minute and generate output in another ten. You have to show her Rebol's advantage. Are you joking here or what? You do have enought money for Oracle license, while you can't pay stupid 350 USD for Rebol/Command? Come on. :-) I know it can be a problem sometimes, but you just have to try fight your way. What about /Pro version and wrapping around some library? -pekr-