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[REBOL] Re: Tools for Rebol Coders

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 7-Jan-2002 1:00

Hi Sunanda,
> Implicit/explicit Return. This is a matter of style. I tend to always have
> explicit Return, to the extent of writing > > return true
In Rebol it not always the same thing return or not return: attributes of functions ([] [catch][throw]), for example, change the behaviour with or without return. Not only, look at these 2 examples:
>> a: func[][make error! "p"] >> b: func[][return make error! "p"] >> error? a
** User Error: p ** Near: make error! "p"
>> error? b
== true
>> a: func[][first [p:]] >> b: func[][return first [p:]] >> a
== p:
>> b
== p I think Return must not be used only for style. --- Ciao Romano