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[REBOL] Re: /View as a Product

From: holger:rebol at: 21-Feb-2001 13:52

On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 11:55:22AM -0800, Elan wrote:
> Hi Paul, > > I agree with you that a switch could be used to switch off the X > dependency.
Unfortunately this would not work. The X dependency of View is not caused by anything View does, but by the fact that the linker creates references to X libraries, i.e. the error messages if you don't have X installed are not displayed by View, but by the Unix loader, long before View is really started and has a chance to parse command line arguments. It would be possible to work around this by using dynamic library loading and linking, but that creates a flurry of other problems (compatibility, versioning etc.), so we would rather not do it. The best solution is to keep Core and View separate. -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]