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[REBOL] Re: Can't double-click rebol scripts on iMac

From: carl:cybercraft at: 30-Aug-2002 11:19

On 30-Aug-02, Joel Neely wrote:
> Hi, Carl, > There are two answers to your question: > 1) TECHNICALLY: No, you can simply set the creator/type codes > within your application's resource bundle. When it creates > files, their creator/type can be set to whatever you wish. When > your application is dropped into the file system the desktop > database will be updated based on information in your app's > resource fork.
But REBOL doesn't create the files - Joe ABC did on the other side of the planet using a text-editor on OS XYZ. Is there no way to just select a text-file and give it a non-text creator/type so its application can be whatever you want?
> 2) POLITICALLY/CONVENTIONALLY: It is considered good manners to > coordinate the creator/type codes you want to use. Otherwise > you get the same sort of nonsense that we see in Visual CP/M, where > selection of three-letter "extensions" is a free-for-all and it is > quite common for a newly-installed app to grab ownership of types > that you've been using with a previously-installed app (or for an > OS upgrade to grab ownership of types formerly used by applications > that m*cr*s*ft wants to put out of business.
Maybe all true. But why is it that my PC-using friends don't seem to have had any trouble setting up Windows to launch REBOL scripts with just a click on the scripts' icons while the Mac user with his better OS can't? -- Carl Read