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[REBOL] Re: Opening a new blog about Rebol?

From: carl:cybercraft at: 20-Nov-2007 0:21

On Monday, 19-Novenber-2007 at 13:39:16 sqlab wrote,
>>> But I will not help situation if I just complain, without proposing what >>> should be done. So - suggest - what should be done? :-) >>> >> >> 1) If RT's a business then it needs to act like one. Which, for starters, >means answering every email they receive, ideally within 24 hours. >> >When Bo was there, we got an immediate reply
Ah, yes. Easy to forget it's not just a lot of the earlier users who have left, but a lot of RT's support staff too. (After the venture capital to pay them ran out, I assume.) Holger Kruse springs to mind too. He didn't write much to the list, but when he did, we usually learnt a lot.
>> 3) IF RT promises to add feature X then they should deliver on that promise >- not quitely forget about it and promise feature Y a little while later. >> >When I bought /command I expected, that the bugs I reported should be >fixed in not less than half a year. >But I learned, that either their business plan did not work as expected >or was altered, probably both.
Wow - bad. And that's another hurdle they'll have to get over before REBOL can be a success - the memory of the burnt fingers from the past. Will mean twice as much work now. First time around I suggested to people they should look into REBOL because it was cool, useful, and I wanted it to succeed - which requires lots using it. Now though, I only suggest people look into it if they want a programming learning experience, as I have no expectation of it becoming a popular language any time soon. Now I'll only actively suggest to people they should look into it after it's an obvious, bona-fide success. Maybe I should've had a 7 on my list... 7) Do what it takes to get REBOL included with Windows Vista... That would grab many a programmers' attention. -- Carl Read.