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[REBOL] Printing in REBOL

From: rphilipp:suffolk:lib:ny:us at: 14-Jan-2001 22:04

Hi, Someone had posted a reply to my inquiry about printing or re-directing output to a printer in Dos/Windows. I can't find the message but they mentioned that the amiga in affect maps i/o ports as files. I think it was someone in support. Thanks for your help, I've been able to redirect output directly to a printer from REBOL/View using the scheme: example:
>> a: "Hello,World!" >> write %lpt1 a
end example. This outputs to my printer but I have to manually eject the paper. I need to know how to send out special characters like LF's to my printer via REBOL. If any body knows how let me know. I'm still searching thru REBOL documentation. I may need to send HEX characters or something. Robert P.