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[REBOL] Re: [BUG?] read-io & write-io or Wait or is TCL better?

From: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 7-Aug-2003 12:35

Hi Petr, On Thursday, August 7, 2003, 10:41:04 AM, you wrote: PK> request. And why? Because docs don't state that in the case of read-io PK> we should clear the buffer. If it would lead only to buffer size PK> increase, then OK, but it leads into completly broken communication with PK> unexpected results ... Actually, you're wrong. First of all, READ-IO and WRITE-IO are lowlevel functions; you should use COPY and INSERT whenever possible if you don't want to bother with these kind of details. READ-IO and WRITE-IO *DON'T* enlarge the buffer. You have to provide a large enough buffer for them, and a correct length value too. Furthermore, READ-IO *DOESN'T* overwrite the buffer you provide, but instead it appends to it if there is already some data (this is a useful feature and not a bug). For this reason, if you don't want it do behave this way you have to provide it an empty buffer. If the docs are not clear about this then this is a bug in the docs, not in REBOL (Carl is using READ-IO and WRITE-IO this way so I'm pretty sure it's not a bug ;-). What was happening to Norman is that he was resending the first packet every time. His proxy worked for other services because, by chance, they didn't happen to send two packets at once. SSH did, and his code instead of resending the two packets sent the first two times. PK> What do other think? Should write-io clear the buffer after succesfull PK> write automatically? I don't think this would be a great idea, as the buffer could be needed for something else after the write. For example I may want to send the data in smaller pieces instead of all at once, so I don't want the buffer to be cleared as I only send a small part of it each time. (If you look at the source for async:// you'll see I'm doing exactly this.) Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --- SOON: