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[REBOL] Re: Obscure? You be the judge!

From: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 14-May-2002 17:22

----- Original Message ----- From: "Volker Nitsch" <[nitsch-lists--netcologne--de]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:52 AM Subject: [REBOL] Re: Obscure? You be the judge! ............. when you 'make an 'object!, all strings, blocks and functions are copied. that allows for example in 'layout : box with[append init[my-inits]] without destroying the original in box. also blocks, like functions, are rebound. so [make child-proto []] gives a copy of 'dataref, not the original. but objects are not copied, so the 'face/feel are all the same after [make face[]]. .................. That's why lot of people are asking RT for adding something like 'clone or 'make/deep ;-) Or should it be a default Rebol's behaviour when working with objects? Regards, Cyphre