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[REBOL] Re: pair-edit style - desktop url argument

From: anton::lexicon::net at: 20-Jun-2002 23:14

Yeah, I thought this too. 'desktop should be like 'browse. We could probably patch desktop to do this, I reckon. Looking in ctx-viewtop: desktop ; first go to desktop and then exit to console print mold first ctx-viewtop I see some interesting looking words: load-index goto-url find-site goto-view but it turns out that the function we want is show-folder, which takes a url argument eg. ctx-viewtop/show-folder site/index.r Now we just need to patch desktop so it takes an optional argument. Here's the original desktop: desktop: func [][ if block? ctx-viewtop [ctx-viewtop: context ctx-viewtop] ctx-viewtop/init-desktop do-events ] The patched version: desktop: func [url [url! file! any-type!]][ if block? ctx-viewtop [ctx-viewtop: context ctx-viewtop] ctx-viewtop/init-desktop if value? 'url [ctx-viewtop/show-folder :url] do-events ] Now you can go directly to my site first (: desktop
>From there, it's one click to demo-pair-edit.r :)
Seems to work pretty well, though I thought I noticed it not working once in a new rebol. Anyone else notice this, please report it. Anton.