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[REBOL] Re: It's NOT Free.. (was) Re: Re: The future of Rebol - achieving critic

From: phil:harris:zope at: 22-May-2001 0:21

Whether it's a bad idea or not, how would you think that it might be enforced? Surely it would be better practice to have a completely free version, as most people on the list thought there was, rather than some arbitrary business size/profit as the rule as to whether a licence is needed or not. For example, I work for a small department within a medium sized college which is part of a large university. Assume that only the department actually uses REBOL on their machines but. the college and therefore in turn the university gains benefit from that. Who is 'using' REBOL? Should we pay licence fees? Are there 'special' licences for educational establishments? These questions and more either need answering, or there should be a completely free, not necessarily open-source, version of REBOL (preferably some form of View). Phil On Monday 21 May 2001 19:10, Carl Sassenrath wrote: