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[REBOL] Re: Morpheus - the bitter thruth?

From: chris:starforge at: 3-Mar-2002 19:21

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 #Sunday 03 March 2002 13:37# Message from Petr Krenzelok:
> It seems to be true - Gnucleus screenshost are just very similar to new > Morpheus - some of Windows are just identical:
It is true, from slashdot: Posted by CmdrTaco on Saturday March 02, @11:51PM from the now-thats-not-right dept. dotslash writes The new Morpheus Preview Edition client [] is actually just a fork of Gnucleus an open source GPLd Gnutella client. Upon installation Morpheus PE displays the GPL and asks the user to accept. It is currently being distributed without source in violation of article 3 of the GPL. Gnucleus developers are not too happy about this. This Morpheus client is being downloaded by thousands of frustrated Morpheus users who have been cutoff the FastTrack/Kazaa network and are now migrating to Gnutella. The violation of the GPL is blatant and will also be the first glimpse of the GPL for many of these new users. It seems like the executives at MusicCity have decided that they prefer free 'as in beer' not 'as in speech.'" Update: 03/03 05:10 GMT by T: It looks like the source is available now, gpl.txt and all." may be of interest. Chris - -- .------{ }-----. .---------------------------. =[ Explorer2260, Designer and Coder \=\ P: TexMaker, Draktar \ =[_[ You will obey the corporate masters. ]_]==[ Stack: EEOeOeOeTmTmDD---- ] - -- The Scripture of the Master Programmer [Principals 1:40] Simple languages complicate all but simple designs. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE8gnfFtwxr0HXns0wRAnSQAKCyFT6bpq/W7lQ58dMGJfsYqtWNMwCgrPwY PO3BWq6Ol5rvbKBBV+z2a4E=cugD -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----