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[REBOL] Re: percent! - new datatype request

From: carl:cybercraft at: 23-Jun-2002 23:09

On 22-Jun-02, Joel Neely wrote:
> On Thursday, June 20, 2002, at 10:02 PM, Carl Read wrote: >>> - Why do windows need to be scalable? >> >> Because if not, your average programmer assumes everyone has a >> 1024x768 display or better... > Yow! Any programmer who would make such an assumption (or assume > that everybody is running a particular browser, or has millions of > colors, or a 1.2 GHz processor, or ...) needs some professional > experience (unless, of course, (s)he is working in a closed > environment where all resources are centrally controlled.
Well, I've seen plenty of View scripts with windows that won't fit on an 800x600 screen, never mind smaller ones... (:
>>> - What problem are we really solving? >> >> Different sized displays - from 320x200 (cell-phones and the like) >> upwards... > YMMV;
That one I don't know. (:
> but my experience is that when I'm designing a palm-top-sized > display, I'll want to lay out a screen in a totally different way > that I would for a desktop-/laptop-sized screen. > Of course, that's just me...
I wouldn't think so. Whether we're talking scaling or resizing a window, it is a problem that needs to be addressed. However, bigger screens are usually used for having more windows open, not more stuff in a window. Gadgets seem to be a big waster of window space. (He says, just thinking out aloud...)
>> Because sometimes the same window will have different amounts of >> content. Text in an area is an obvious example. It's nicer to avoid >> scrolling if you can, and enlarging the window can do that in some >> cases. > That assumes that making the window larger keeps the font sizes the > same.
Yes, resizing, not scaling.
> It seems to me that sometimes that would be the desired effect, but > that sometimes one would like the fonts to scale up with the window. > Just an observation that we have one more moving part here.
I agree that it's desirable to both resize and scale windows. It could be made simple and intuitive for the user too. Resize by dragging on the windows' edges or corners as we're used to now, (and which is done outside of a View window anyway - we just have to watch for a resize event), and scale by clicking on "+" or "-" buttons, (just a suggestion for how it could be done), which would need to be part of our layouts. If RT do add scaling to View, then to get that working would be trivial. I suspect fonts are the big problem with getting scaling to work though. -- Carl Read