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[REBOL] Re: Which PDA for Rebol?

From: kolla:nvg:ntnu:no at: 4-Dec-2000 22:51

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Mat Bettinson wrote:
> Heya Lorenz, > > L> My dream is one of these days be surprised by a REBOL version for PalmOS. > L> Thatīs because to me PalmOs is the best plataform to PDAs ever. But it > L> seems due to a memory problem with PalmOS REBOL wonīt fit PalmOS at all :( > > Rebol on a PDA with no keyboard, no thanks.
But they all have keyboards, and some of them are quite usable, I do plenty of html and script writing on my newton using the stylus, works fine. Also, since rebol is multiplatform, platformindependant yada yada you can write things on your desktop or whatever, and copy it over to the pda for use. -- kolla