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[REBOL] Re: Rugby for Artists => was Re: Re: Medium+ Scale Developments

From: brett:codeconscious at: 15-Jan-2002 22:54

Hi Jason,
> LoL :-) that's really wonderful.. thanks for de-mystifying teh subject in > such an entertaining and lucid way.
Glad you liked it. There's hope for me yet!
> btw do you know Scott McCloud's brilliant cartoon-books: 'Understanding
Never met them. But I'll make a note to check out the links.
> Your article reminds me of his books a little, and makes me thing it could > be good to develop a site/comicbook exploring rebol + rugby-based > applications such as the ones you hint at in your scenarios. Interested?
Curious and interesting idea. Makes my mind go *wobble*. I'll let it sink in a bit before I comment :) Brett.