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[REBOL] VID question: global words

From: robert::muench::robertmuench::de at: 4-Nov-2002 11:33

Hi, as I understand VID the following block for layout will create global words for f1, f2 and f3. Is this correct? layout [ f1: fld "test" f2: inf "bla" f3" btn ] What happens in this case: layout [ box1: box box2: box ] And now I have code that makes: box1/pane: layout [ f1: fld "test" f2: inf "bla" f3" btn ] box2/pane: layout [ f1: fld "test" f2: inf "bla" f3" btn ] What will the global word f1 etc. referr to now? Only to box2/f1? Robert