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[ALLY] Re: More on Do's and Views

From: pa:russo:perd at: 26-Apr-2001 10:18

>Hi. > >The main snag I hit is after ive "viewed" another pane, the parent >script ceases to function... until the viewed window is closed. > >For exampe, a script that continuosly reads a .txt file and pops up >any text it finds. (below) Now you would think that this script >would launch one window every second with the contents of the .txt >file displayed, but it doesn't... not until you close the viewed >window. How would you get this script to just keep opening windows >with any new .txt data??? > >REBOL [] > >forever [ >wait 1 >a: read %file.txt >if not empty? a [ >view layout [ >text a >button "Clear file" [write %file.txt ""] >]]] > >Thanks >TBrownell
To generate a new window you have to use a refinement. I don't have my reference here, so I'm not sure, but it seems to me that the right syntax is VIEW/NEW. You can easily verify with HELP VIEW from your console. Anyway it seems to me there is a limit of 8 independent windows. Again, I'm not sure. Hope it helps. -- Paolo Russo [pa--russo--perd--com] _________________ PERD s.r.l. Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions