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[REBOL] Re: Question and comment about randomizing a block of values

From: joel:neely:fedex at: 18-Jun-2001 18:22

Hi, Volker, [agem--crosswinds--net] wrote:
> > usualy i shuffle like this: > [rebol [] > n-cards: 20 > deck: copy [] > repeat i n-cards [append deck i] > probe deck > > random/seed now > shuffled-deck: copy [] > loop n-cards [ > card-no: random length? deck > append shuffled-deck pick deck card-no > remove at deck card-no > ] > probe shuffled-deck > ] >
It probably doesn't matter for small blocks, but I suspect the overhead of plucking a value out of the middle of a block (presuming that the following elements are scooted over to fill the gap) might add up for larger blocks. That's one of the reasons I proposed building a result without modifying the original. Some benchmarking is probably in order to see whether my suspicions are valid or total nonsense (both have been known to happen ;-). -jn- ___ ___ ___ \/ 2 + \/ 2 = 4 (for sufficiently large approximations of \/ 2 ) joel'dot'neely'at'fedex'dot'com