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[REBOL] Re: announce: slashdot-viewer

From: belymt:saunalahti:fi at: 19-Jul-2002 11:41

> >Oh, of course, by default, 'cp is an alias of 'copy, in >rebol, so as I have redefined 'cp it broke the script. >I didn't see many people using 'cp until now.
IMHO it would be better if REBOL would buy default protect system defined words from overwriting. I like the idea of being able to redefine language but it's too easy for beginners to accidently redefine something vital and cause havoc. Is there a way to know if some word is used in definition other words? something like Ref-count? Although this would not help in case code changes on future versions of REBOL but it could help on sorting out this kind of problems? Joanna