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[REBOL] Make-Doc Formatter replaces Make-Spec

From: carl::rebol::com at: 25-May-2001 12:05

Make-Doc, the next generation of Make-Spec, has been posted to the library. You can find it in the Text or HTML folders. This is an ALPHA test version, a work in progress. However, it will format many of the prior make-spec docs at this time. The 1.0 will be released this weekend, if all goes well. All future REBOL documentation will use this converter. Make-Doc is a two pass text formatter. The first pass converts to a REBOL block format. The second pass uses that block format to convert to the output target format, which is HTML at this time, but it could be any type of output, including Text, PDF, Tex, Helpfiles, .roff, whatever you want. Writing the output formatters is fairly easy... you can use the HTML version as an example. Eventually we will want to put the output formatters in separate files. -Carl