[REBOL] Core/View/etc. install plan
From: zoon::stumpworld::com at: 15-Aug-2000 10:44
hiall -
I know I queried regarding this before, but apparently failed to retain any
answer that made sense to me.
If I want to install Core and View, do I need to have them separate, or could I
put everything together except the executables (sounds unlikely), or do I need
both installed at all?
Is Core a subset of View?
Is the latest Core inherently more stable than the latest View? Or is it just
the View-y parts of View that are less stable?
Is there an easy way of separating usr-lib and example scripts that only pertain
to one executable or the other?
Pete Wason|"LWATPLOTG"|[zoon--stumpworld--c]|[mrzoon--hynoom--c]|CUCUG|TA|PHX