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[REBOL] REBOL Killer App/Thin Edge

From: mike::yaunish::shaw::ca at: 23-Mar-2002 21:49

I know some people are working on the bits and pieces of this already (Rugby). But I just wanted to voice what I see as an excellent opportunity for REBOL to get out to the masses. Standard FTP is pretty much taken as a standard that everyone can and should have fairly easy access to. I believe a low cost version of Secure P2P file sharing written in REBOL would find a huge audience amongst small and large businesses. Here is what is needed to make this come true; 1. Work with clients using dynamic IP addresses. 2. Not require a third party server. 3. Allow each user complete control over security. 4. Not have anything to do with wholesale theft and distribution of software, music etc. 5. Need a good file requester/dialog box. I am already seeing small business customers that want this kind of solution today. If REBOL can fill this small but simple niche then I can see the profile of this mighty language soar. I know IOS and others are going in this direction - but the small and fast will spread the word much more quickly. I am willing to work with others to make this a reality. Anyone else interested? Mike Yaunish