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[REBOL] Re: Java with REBOL

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 22-Feb-2001 10:39

Andrew Martin wrote:
> Jeff casually mentioned: > > Not that that wouldn't be nifty, but also, how about a Java interpreter in > REBOL/view-- REBOL can read the byte code of Java files as binary and do the > necessary interpretation. You can implement the threads at the interpreter > level. > > Nice, too, would be a JavaScript interpreter for Rebol/View. Which, with a > HTML interpreter, could lead to a interesting web browsing experience. > Rebol/WebExplorer!:-)
I don't understand. You want to write web browser in Rebol? What about other standards? All those XML based ones? Oter plug-ins? I remember Carl stating /View is just complementary technology. Proper browser plug-in is the way .... but I am not sure of its success unless it is able to be part of a browser window. But anyway - there is many ideas :-) One other interesting is - AmigaDE (Tao) provides you with much smaller Java solution. Java code is translated into VP (virtual processor) one, and so you end-up with 2-5MB of app size, while JAVA distribution has some 10MB? If you imagine AmigaDE being able to run upon many platforms, isn't it a little bit chance for Rebol too? We currently have Rebol/Core available for Tao. The question is, if we can easily have /View ported too ... -pekr-