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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

From: philb:upnaway at: 22-Apr-2002 16:33

Hi, On 1 & 3 ... Multiple accounts should be working .... I have 2 seperate email acccounts here and I can fetch email for both accounts. On pressing the Fetch Mail button I just wanted to display the Account Name in the Pop-up window .... this shouldnt be input capable. The popup is only there to fetch the password. (The user name used is derived from the account name on the rotary button.) I could display the user name if required. (This I have been meaning to fix for a while but havent got around to it ... will look at it tonight ... but its easily fixed). The POP scheme the program uses is taken from system/schemes/pop/algorithm My ISP doesnnt support APOP so I cant test it :-( As I am the only person to be uding this Mail program the testing hasnt been really extensive. If you are still having problems .... then let me know. Cheers Phil === Original Message === Thank you Phil, the mail client is good. I spotted a few issues. 1. Fetchmail should use user name instead of account name. 2. Sendmail dosen't authenticate. This can be done by opening and closing the pop server before and after the send. 3. Multiple account seems not working.