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[REBOL] The future of Rugby

From: maarten:koopmans:surfnet:nl at: 18-Jun-2003 22:08

Hi list, Last year I haven't done much work on Rugby. There was a good reason: I was busy with other things and the thing seemed more or less feature complete and stable enough. The new versions of View break some Rugby code (though I am pretty sure it is a Rebol thing) and that made me think about the future of Rugby. I simply don't have the time to do majore enhancements anymore. The only way for me to do that is to "buy" time (e.g. work less), implying that development should be sponsored. I doubt the Rebol community at large is in that phase already, so another option would be to pass on development to somebody New! Improved! And there is lots of room for improvements: - async client/server core - automated load balancing - name service - service discovery and metadata - ... I don't expect to make that happen on a *freeware* basis anymore, but somebody else may... OTOH I hope to be able to maintain Rugby with little bug fixes for the time being. --Maarten