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[REBOL] Re: Amazon S3 Tools linux problem.

From: compkarori:gm:ail at: 22-Sep-2010 21:50

Hi Carl Yes, about that url-encode, I just added one now :) The problem with the prot-http is that you do lose the headers returned unless you open the url instead. Hence my need to modify the success function. The headers should have given the error information from Amazon that you were using the incorrect time. So, not sure why that didn't work .. On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Carl Read <> wrote:
> Hi Graham, > > Yes - elsewhere! I hadn't set the timezone on Linux, (it's a newish > install), and that was the problem. I noticed the time was four hours out in > the authorization block, which put me on the right track. > > BTW, I've just remembered the url-encode function wasn't included with your > script - I had to find it elsewhere. It's not in View 2.7.7, but perhaps > it's in other REBOLs? > > Anyway, many thanks for your patience! And the script - useful. > > -- Carl Read. > > On Wednesday, 22-September-2010 at 18:11 Graham Chiu wrote, > > >Hi Carl > > > >I did a single test on Ubuntu and was able to download a file off S3 which > >was protected. > >So, perhaps the issue lies elsewhere? > > -- > To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject. >
-- Graham Chiu Synapse - the use from anywhere EMR.