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[REBOL] Re: Preventing Automated Website Registrations

From: rebolek:seznam:cz at: 9-May-2002 9:30

Hi, try following code. It's note perfect - it was done this morning. If you're interested I can enhance it somehow. BTW - bug in new view: (and in core too I think but did not tried)
>> help system/words
SYSTEM/WORDS is an object of value: ** Script Error: form-val is missing its val argument ** Where: reform ** Near: form-val pick vals 1 Well, no crash, I have to find something more dangerous ;) And now --- automatically unreadable words (cca 2273 of them) rebol[] words: first system/words word: pick words random length? words text-face: make face [ color: 128.128.128 + random 128.128.128 font: make font [ size: 24 color: black ] size: 10000x10 text: word size: 50x10 + size-text self effect: compose/deep [gradmul (3x3 - random 3x3) (50.50.50 + random 200.200.100) (100.50.50 + random 100.150.150)] ] text-image: to-image text-face effect-face: make face [ size: text-face/size image: text-image effect: compose/deep [blur crop (random 5x5) (size - random 10x10) fit contrast 10 sharpen draw [pen red line (random 10x10 random size)] gradmul (3x3 - random 3x3) (50.50.50 + random 200.200.100) (100.50.50 + random 100.150.150)] ] view make face [ size: 400x100 offset: 100x100 pane: effect-face ]