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[REBOL] [] Recent changes

From: rebol:rebol at: 30-Mar-2005 10:32

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= clean-script-heavy.r --change: new script --change: updated script -- Edited header to make clear i (volker) did the changes, just in case something breaks. --title: REBOL Heavy Script Cleaner (Pretty Printer) --owners: volker --author: Carl Sassenrath Volker Nitsch --purpose: Based on Carls %clean-script.r Cleans (pretty prints) REBOL scripts by parsing the REBOL code and supplying standard indentation and spacing. Breaks now every bracket/paren it finds (thus "heavy"). If you have a really messed up script, like %ascii-chart.r from the library, you have a chance to make it readable. Don't use with already readable Scripts.. -Volker --url: drop-down.r --change: updated script --title: VID Dropdown --owners: gandalf --author: Ammon Johnson --purpose: A simple dropdown VID style --url: iff-dialect.r --change: updated script -- Bugfix : infinite loop in rule --title: IFF dialect --owners: vincentecuye --author: Vincent Ecuyer --purpose: Electronic Arts Interchange File Format (IFF) dialect --url: lds-local.r --change: documentation added or updated --title: Library data services --owners: sunanda --author: Sunanda --purpose: Provides the client end of the Library Data Services interface --url: mdpgui1-1.r --change: updated script --title: MDP-GUI v 1.1 --owners: shadwolf --author: Alphé SALAS-SCHUMANN (ShadWolf) --purpose: Graphical interface for make-doc-pro 1.0.8 allowing easy doc making/viewing --url: mdpgui1-4-1.r --change: new script --change: updated script --title: MDP-GUI v 1.4.1 --owners: shadwolf --author: Alphé SALAS-SCHUMANN (ShadWolf) --purpose: Graphical interface for make-doc-pro 1.0.8 allowing easy doc making/viewing --url: --change: new script --change: updated script --title: MDP-GUI v 1.4.1 --owners: shadwolf --author: Alphé SALAS-SCHUMANN (ShadWolf) --purpose: Graphical interface for make-doc-pro 1.0.8 allowing easy doc making/viewing --url: spellck.r --change: new script --change: updated script -- Handled system/script/args wrong. --title: Spellck2 --owners: volker --author: Volker Nitsch --purpose: A spellchecked area --url: todo-list.r --change: discussion post(s) made --title: Todo List --owners: fabrice --author: Carl Sassenrath, Didier Cadieu & Fabrice Vado --purpose: Based on the demo of Rebol /View by Carl. It allow you to manage a list of todo and move them between them. --url: unpack.r --change: updated script -- Just added to 'Purpose in the header =^) --title: User Server --owners: izkata --author: Daniel Sirotzke --purpose: I created this to load websites and chek my email, as well as a few other things, at certain intervals. Basically: 'call a script or 'browse a website when the counter reaches zero. This "Unpack.r" file creates 2 Rebol files - run Startup.r to use this script. --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: recent discussion: recent documentation: =======end======= --The Library People --30-Mar-2005